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This article is full of cuss words. Read at your own discretion. |
Here are some reasons why HS ((secretly)) sucks:
1.) Bandwagon Bullshit
High School is a time to belong to an IN-group. There's always that certain group of people that you're dying to go with the flow with, but what if that group doesn't pertain to your set of values? You change. You do that to fit in. Even if means you turn into someone you said you would never be. This is the start of the long list of regretful acts you did in High School, some you're even not conscious of. People will forget whatever you did or say, but they will never forget the impression you made upon doing that act. #nevarforget
And that saying, "Stand for what's right, even if you stand alone"? hahahahaha
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Believe me, I've tried. |
If you're that prick who has such a strong asshole personality and everything should be about you, you, you:
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4 out of 3 need this. |
But if you're that rare case where you're not easily swayed by the attitudes & behaviour of others... God Bless you, Bruh. And you should probably transfer to a Seminary.
No matter how much you want to try to belong to a certain clique that is obviously not really for you, you can belong. But your "friends" will hate you. And they secretly hate each other too. The point here is that you've made friends with people you hated less because that's how High School friendships worked. This applies for girls anyway.
For guys, well… "Oh you have a big dick too? NIIIIICE. Let's be friends!" #nohomo
You'll still be hated for having a bigger dick though.
3.) Relationship Testing 1, 2 , 3

4.) Birds of the Same Feather Fuck Up Together
Remember how High Schoolers are portrayed in movies? Like how they have certain stereotypes & are segregated in groups: The Jocks, The Nerds, Emo people, Rich Bitches etc. Well these actually exist IRL. This is stupid because I've mentioned before, this stereotyping bullshit promotes the Bandwagon effect. This is the supposed stage where you do some goddamn soul-searching, instead you lose the "YOU". Additionally, there will always be that certain popular group that will "dominate" the whole class, and those who don't conform are outcasts, or at least, just unpopular. This also limited the diversity of socialisation, because you would only socialise with people you think you're comfortable with-- which would be more or less people with the same interests as you, and you'd be definitely missing out on other people that could have been your BFF even if you two are somewhat opposite in interests.
5.) Annoying Hierarchy
Yes, we all have that bossy bitch or asshole classmate that orders the class around & he/she isn't even the elected class President. Backing 'em up is his/her annoying posse that also exerts their authority because they're egotistical pricks just like their bossy friend. Next level would be the classroom officers, because hey, they had a goddamn title. Then the middle level would be most of what's left in the class and the lowest level would be those troublesome group of boys that always oppose the classroom officers' authority. This shitty system is what led to most feuds within the class because "one would exert their authority because hell, they're smarter therefore they have the BEST idea" & "the other opposes because they're not given a chance to voice out their own ideas" when we should be helping each other find an idea that could work for all of us. Immaturity won this round.
6.) The Shit Taught is Useless for College
Then again, what you learn in college is mostly crap in the real world. But hey, at least you know how to graph a Quadratic equation.
7.) Teachers always makes things WORSE
This is more influenced by a personal experience, but really oh my God when a teacher interferes, the situation almost always gets worse. They're not adding fuel to the fire, they're dropping ATOMIC BOMBS on it. But on a side note, some situations do get pacified when they're around.
Yes, I wrote this because I realised how much my High School sucked, on a psychological level. If you asked the High School me if my High School life sucks, I would answer "Nope"-- because I'd still be that immature brat and I would still fail to see why the hell that's the case. When you think about your high school on a shallow level, you'll say that you've had it alright-- you may be on the either ends of the spectrum: the popular, the ordinary, or the outcast. But if you survey your high school to its deepest core, we were all the same: insecure, attention-seeking whores. We just differed on how we dealt with this.
But then again, high school IS that stage where we're meant to fuck up and HOPEFULLY, learn to be mature in things.
High School is not a fabulous coming of age 4 year ceremony that you always thought of prior to High School. And with the height of technology nowadays, shit that you do is forever etched into the annals of the Internet via Facebook or some other social network. Try checking your high school posts right now… yeah, they are shit, right? Just like YOU.
So much bitterness in one post. :3
ReplyDelete1. Still exists in college :/
2. I disagree. Strongly. HAHA :P
3. I wish I did this one. haha
4. I agree. Strongly. MEHEHE
5. Not really sure about this.
6. I agree. Strongly. Again. The force is strong on this one.
7. Yes yes yes.
Oh, u noticed… huehuehue