Per:spective is an adventure story based on a dream I had one time. I just altered some parts in order to fill in some plot holes and to give more depth on the characters, their world and their magical powers and stuff. I really don't have the time to illustrate this in a comic form, YET. And this is like a "rough draft" of the whole thing, it still needs a lot of tweaks and would probably get revisions in the near future. This blogpost would be my reminder of the original ideas.
- Weapons are scarce in their world. And you can only acquire weapons by 'ownership'. Each weapon is scattered across the continent (found in weapon trees) has a predestined owner, and if you can't remove the weapon from the tree-- then the weapon isn't for you.
- Weapons provide +impressive attributes and finding one's predestined weapon gives you an edge above most adventurers. Each person has at least one designated weapon but you can own up to five, it's just the matter of finding them.
- Majority of the population are magic users and vary on the usefulness of their skills. Although blessed with the arcane arts, there still exists a class system. The mage class is practically a secondary class for most of the adventurers. (i.e.: Main class: Knight, secondary: Mage)
- Class choosing happens at age 12.
It revolves a party of adventurers who have each lost something and are on an adventure to find it.Characters
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Left to Right: Timber, Skinny, Tear, Arc Ann, Swift |
"I am not harsh. I'm just trying to be real."
Class: Rogue
Specialization: Assasin
Specialization: Assasin
Str | 29
Dex | 70
Con | 42
Int | 40
Wis | 39
Cha | 41
Tear isn't much of a heroic and justice driven main character but she also wouldn't be considered a "bad guy". She's more of an anti-hero. She's sly and manipulative, and can be ruthless. She's willing to steal or kill as long as she gets the job done. She would usually help someone if only she gets something worthwhile in return.
Tear is part of the 5% of the population who has rare magic. Having an elitist view, she refuses to party with anyone during quests since she believes she's more than capable of completing them on her own.

She has this obsession toward money but she's not a hoarder. She uses her wealth to live an expensive lifestyle and basically does not care about anyone else but herself. She remains apathetic and detached to most people around her.

She is portrayed to be a mild-mannered young woman, who seems to get along fine with anyone and is quite cheerful. She would sometimes do random acts of kindness, though her intentions remain unclear as to why she really does this. Her smile actually hides her emotionally detached personality. She's quite diligent when it comes to quest taking and the townspeople view her as a very hard working young woman. She can be quite sarcastic and dark when it comes to humour, and would swear frequently.
Tear has no definite goal in life, and has only worked hard to amass riches and live comfortably but the lack of a dream has made her feel empty. She has never considered exacting revenge toward her family, since she felt it was unnecessary and irrelevant.
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I usually draw her with a stern face but she actually smiles most of the time. Actually, she tends to smirk all the time. |
Tear was the quiet and timid youngest daughter of Red, the influential leader of a group of ruthless bandits who live in the woods just outside the town of Altair. She was regarded as a disappointment by her father since she never showed the enthusiasm nor the strength to remain in their bandit lifestyle. At age 12, she failed her initiation and was forced to leave her family or face death, to the dismay of her mother, Careen. She fled to another town, Deneb, and lived a rough life on the streets which eventually changed her personality and perspective in life. She has not seen her family ever since.
At 14, she became an assassin for hire but began toning down her ruthlessness after turning 16, and has hid under her cheerful facade ever since.

Her frequently used abilities:
(Magic) Infernal Storm: Magical attack that causes Fire, Poison and Lightning damage respectively to all beings within its area of effect
(Buff) Haste: Increases her speed in a period of time
(Melee) Sneak attack: She strikes a target in a vital spot dealing 130% damage and a chance to cause Bleed
(Melee) Crippling strike: Attack that disables a target.
Tear's mother
Like most mothers, Careen is a caring and nurturing mother. With the advent of her husband's ruthlessness towards their youngest, she takes extra attention and care toward Tear. She was devastated when Red disowned their daughter. She has been secretly meeting Tear ever since, she would bring her necessities and food but eventually lost contact with her daughter as years went by.
Tear loves her mother so much even after she lost contact with her. While she remains detached to most people around her, Careen is probably the only person Tear is emotionally attached to.

Looked after Tear after finding her bleeding profusely in an alley in Deneb (after she was disowned). He was the one who trained her to be an assassin. Although he taught Tear how to toughen up, the ruthless and merciless attitude she developed terrified him but continued to guide her nonetheless. They eventually separated ways when Tear was independent enough to fend for herself.
Tear looks up to him as a brother but doesn't display affection toward him in any way. He is one of the few people Tear gives a fuck about.
"No child of mine is a failure."
Tear's Father
He wasn't quite the approachable mild mannered dad, being the leader of a well known group of bandits. While Tear was far from being the direct heir to the not so flattering title "Bandit leader", he never failed to go hard on her since she exhibited traits he deemed "weak". Eventually, he labelled Tear as black sheep of the family and cast her off when she failed initiation. As a child, Tear is very fearful of him and would tremble at the sight of him. She currently feels neutral toward her father and bears him no hate despite his mistreatment.
"How could you do that to your own daughter?"
Careen, 45Tear's mother
Like most mothers, Careen is a caring and nurturing mother. With the advent of her husband's ruthlessness towards their youngest, she takes extra attention and care toward Tear. She was devastated when Red disowned their daughter. She has been secretly meeting Tear ever since, she would bring her necessities and food but eventually lost contact with her daughter as years went by.
Tear loves her mother so much even after she lost contact with her. While she remains detached to most people around her, Careen is probably the only person Tear is emotionally attached to.
"Awww, you've been busy. Got no time for big bro, eh?"

Trigger, 20
Tear's adoptive brother
An energetic, outgoing and happy go lucky young man.Looked after Tear after finding her bleeding profusely in an alley in Deneb (after she was disowned). He was the one who trained her to be an assassin. Although he taught Tear how to toughen up, the ruthless and merciless attitude she developed terrified him but continued to guide her nonetheless. They eventually separated ways when Tear was independent enough to fend for herself.
Tear looks up to him as a brother but doesn't display affection toward him in any way. He is one of the few people Tear gives a fuck about.
"Everything has a price, huh?"
Tear's "close friend". He has allowed Tear to be healed and to rent a room for free ever since she tore down his tavern for a show of power. He supplies Tear with regular quests and occasionally illegal ones, and serves as a Scout for her at times. Dusk is obviously terrified of Tear but genuinely cares for her nonetheless, and maybe even likes her (which Tear is obviously oblivious to). Tear remains friendly toward Dusk despite her initial hostility and would often tease him about his facial hair.
Tear's siblings
"I'm better than you."
Rive, 23 Rogue-Assasin
:is the eldest and is the heir to his father's title. He has been strictly following his father's orders in the hopes of impressing him. He is very arrogant and egoistic, and quite boastful of his abilities. He usually ridiculed Lance and Tear for being weak.
He was assigned to be Tear's sparring opponent during her initiation, which their mother heavily objected since Tear was pitted against someone leagues above her but Red's word stood firm. Careen pleaded her eldest son to go easy on her sister but Red ordered him not to hold back. He almost beat his sister to death.
Tear despises her brother until now, and wishes to get back at him if ever they meet in the near future.
Evie, 21
:is an advisor-in-training. She is incredibly intelligent and very technical. She fixated in acquiring more knowledge and would often read books or assist Scouts. She is not very close to Tear despite being a female sibling, and never defended her whenever Rive picked on her. Evie is actually more close with Rive, and would interact more with Lance than her little sister.
Tear feels neutral toward her older sis. As a child, she had great respect toward her and would shy away whenever she saw her older sister passing by.
"You'll do fine. I believe in you."
Lance, 20 Cleric-Templar
:is a timid and gentle young man. Much like the younger Tear, he was deemed weak by their father-- though he exhibited more potential than his little sister, so Red wasn't that hard on him. Lance is very caring toward Tear and would help her in her training. Likewise, Tear feels comfortable with him and would often follow him around. She considered him a coward though, since he never stood up for her when Rive was being an asshole. Currently, Tear has lost her bond with her brother and she feels neutral about him.
- "That sounds like an adventure. How much are you paying me though?"
- "Let me help you with that."
- "Let me get this straight, you're the daughter of a premier merchant and you want to drop out of your luxurious life? That is bullshit. You must be insane." Tear, to Ann about the latter's decision
- "You… lost an arm. How in fuck's sake can you misplace a freakin' arm?!" Tear, to Skinny inquiring about his right arm
- "Wow, Swift, you've been… busy... working out." Tear, to Swift about her assets.
- "A life or death situation has no room for morals. If someone is threatening to kill me, I make sure I kill that someone first. If I hesitate to contemplate the morality of my actions, I'd be dead already. It's that someone's life or mine and I'm obviously more worried about mine just as how worried that someone is for his/her life."
- "Everyone dies. I might as well just die a rich bitch."
- "Weapon trees are crazy natural wonders, huh?"
- "This isn't the path I wanted for myself but I guess I was fated to take it."
- "Our choices define us. Even the choices of others."
"There's so much to know about this world."
Age: 16 years old
Class: Merchant
Subclass: Mage/Cleric
Str | 8
Dex | 10
Con | 21
Int | 28
Wis | 25
Cha | 34
The annoying damsel in distress.
Ann the first person to ever party with Tear. She has accompanied Tear ever since she pestered her to help her run away. She has acted as a support for her rogue companion but tends to be quite useless most of the time. She's thoughtful and kind, and can get a bit overbearing and demanding. She is also quite curious about most things and would usually ask a lot of questions, much to the annoyance of Tear.
She is caring toward her companions especially toward Swift, whom she looks up to greatly to the point where she seems intimate toward the archer-- which lead Tear to suspect her of being a lesbian.
She is a merchant by class but longs to be a powerful mage, but arcane arts is not within her family's lineage since she comes from a family of pure Merchants. She learned from a customer (who is a Mage) that she has the aptitude to learn magic and has then secretly trained herself and has eventually acquired arcane skills.

From a very young age, Ann has aspired to be a mage. She has studied the ancient books her father has acquired from his travels. One day, she entertained a Sorceress in their shop and while doing so, she asked the customer questions about magic. The Sorceress was happy to oblige her and before leaving, informed her that she has the aptitude for being a mage. She started secretly training herself in the arcane arts at age 9. At age 12, she reluctantly chose Merchant as her class, but continued to train in secret. She sought apprenticeship from a Wizard friend of her parents, but was eventually caught by her father when he followed her one time when she snuck out of their house. She was banned to study magic which frustrated her greatly.
She met Tear when she was sneaking around their house trying to complete a quest, and it involved stealing from her family. Instead of turning in the rogue, she helped her complete her task in exchange for helping her run away, wherein Tear reluctantly complies.
As a merchant and was raised as such, she is naturally charismatic and is very sociable. As a mage, she is quite weak since her casting time takes too long and her healing ability isn't quite effective but she has been raining hard to overcome her shortcomings. As of meeting Tear, she only has two magical abilities:
Fireball: Elemental attack that has devastating damage over an area of effect, with a chance to cause Burn.
Heal: Replenishes health or heal injuries.
"Listen to me."
Creto, 56Established merchant, Ann's Father
Creto is very strict and tends to be a perfectionist toward Ann. He is intent of passing on his legacy to Ann, his only child, and is quite frustrated of her apparent disinterest. He is refined, courteous and classy but isn't that charismatic. He actually has a tendency to intimidate customers.
Ann despises her father because of his high expectations of her, and how he can get overprotective at times. She felt that she has been robbed of her freedom and independence and has always wanted to get away from him. She would usually put up a "good girl" facade when in front of her father but would talk ill about him when he's away.

"Listen to your father."
Myst, 44
Ann's mother
She is as overbearing as Creto toward Ann, although she's not as assertive as him. Ann's aspirations of becoming a mage displeased her and scolded Ann about it most of the time. She spoils her daughter so much though. She's very talkative and is charmer when it comes to sales talk.Ann dislikes her mother but nonetheless still loves her. Myst is the reason why Ann had second thoughts running away but pushed through with her plans anyway due to her strong disposition to leave.
"Who knows? Try and you'll find out."
Elicit, 23Mage-Sorceress
She was only 16 years old when she met Ann (who was 9 years old that time) in their shop. She is a talented and prodigious elf mage and had been independent from her family ever since she was 12. She is fond of travelling, and has been hopping from town to town. Ann has yet to meet her again since their first encounter but has been idolising Elicit ever since (and most likely had a girl crush on her).
- "Check and mate." -Ann, to Tear in successfully making the latter comply to her pleadings
- "This isn't what I want."
- "Be careful, Swift. Annnd everyone else." -Ann, before engaging in battle
- "Why are you asking me why I'm asking you? I'm just naturally curious."
- "So… crows come out of your face?" -Ann, to Skinny asking about his illusion magic
- "Aren't you a bit too old to like someone barely legal?" -Ann, to Timber about his infatuation.
"I'll find them. And I will end them."
Age: 20 years old
Class: Archer
Specialization: Sniper
Str | 20
Dex | 58
Con | 45
Int | 30
Wis | 26
Cha | 27
The buxom babe.
Swift is a mercenary for hire that once worked together with Tear. They both get along quite well. She met Tear and Ann at the entrance of the Crossroads and decided to tag along in their quest.
She is quite stern and reserved and would not converse with anyone in the party unless necessary, but is shown to be fond of talking to Timber. Unlike Tear, she is hesitant in unnecessary taking of lives despite being a mercenary. She is down to earth and nice, but can get skeptical and sarcastic.
Despite her overall good-nature, she is hell bent on getting revenge for her mercenary family who was massacred when she was a teen.

Swift is a skilled in wielding ranged weapons and has impressive accuracy. She has mild proficiency in wielding melee weapons. She would normally infuse her ranged attacks with elemental spells or coat arrows with poison.
Prior to finding her predestined weapons, she relied heavily on her elemental magic.
Her frequently used abilities:
Pining Shot: She immobilize a target by targeting a vital point.
Hail of Arrows: She shoots multiple arrows hitting all targets within range but accuracy is lowered.
Rapid Fire: She fires 5 arrows at a successive rate at a single target.
Freeze Shot: She imbues an arrow with ice element which slows down the target.
Fire Arrow: She adds the fire element to her shot which burns the target.
Scatter Shot: She fires three arrows at once in an arc shape, knocks back enemies.
Poison Shot: She fires a poisoned arrow at a target.
- "These aren't very useful though. I mean, it slows me down." -Swift, talking about her boobs.
- "Wow, you've changed a lot but not really." -Swift, to Tear upon their reunion
- "He's ill-mannered and boisterous, stubborn, straight forward… it's kinda' hot." -Swift, talking about Timber
- "There's always a choice. It's either you go for it or forego it."
- "This is why I want to stay behind your back. You're the type of person who'll push me off a ravine if I stayed in front of you."
- "Why can't you understand that there's still an air of doubt lodged in between my trust for you?"
"I need to find my arm."Age (appearance): 19 years old
Age (actual): 113 years old
Class: Mage
Specialization: Illusionist/Conjurer
Str | 23
Dex | 20
Con | ∞
Int | 94
Wis | 90
Cha | 19
The brooding smartass.
Skinny is an immortal artificial human created by a Necromancer and was sealed in a cage in a foggy area of the Crossroads when he became "too human". Tear freed him from the giant bird cage. He tagged along with Tear, Ann and Swift in their quest and aided them in outwitting Cross, the gatekeeper of the Crossroads.
He appears to be a young man with a hopeless perspective toward life. He only talks whenever he would like to share some wisdom or offer an intellectual explanation. He is a master tactician, and the party relied on him on strategy.
He is often the butt of the joke, Tear & Swift would tease him relentlessly-- and he doesn't seem to mind.
He doesn't socialise much considering he was alienated from society for a century. And his high intelligence makes it hard for people to relate with him. Despite his brooding persona, he can be humorous by being punny.

Skinny: I am indebted to you, Tear. I will aid you in your travels.
Tear: You don't have to. You are free now, do whatever that pleases you.
Skinny: Yes, I am free indeed. I am free to choose a decision. And I have decided to accompany you.
Tear: You served a Necromancer for 13 years and he trapped you for a century. After gaining freedom, you decide to serve another person? You're restraining yourself. I think you should look for something that will drive you other than being in servitude to another.
Skinny: Shouldn't you look for something that drives you too?
Tear: ...
Skinny: It's never been easy to practice what you preach, Tear.
Tear: Shouldn't you look for your right hand?!
Skinny is an expert Illusionist and Summoner, and has a wide array of spells to confuse, debuff and weaken enemies. Despite being a proficient Summoner, he can only summon crows. Flocks of them.
- "…" -Skinny, most of the time.
"Hell Yeah!"
Age: 24 years old
Class: Warrior
Specialization: Barbarian
Str | 52
Dex | 16
Con | 47
Int | 23
Wis | 18
Cha | 20
The loud-mouthed "hero".
Timber is the typical "hero material" of the group. He is talkative, assertive, has a large appetite and is quite an idiot. He met the party at a tavern in Cygnus, while he tried to hit on Tear. But he was quickly turned off when she went bitch mode on him. He flirted with Ann afterwards and eventually decided to tag along with them to pursue his infatuation.
He has a strong sense of justice and has high regard for human life-- and would frequently bicker with Tear.
Like most heroes, he acts before he thinks and would usually put the group into a lot of trouble. He would sometimes go berserk for no reason, which heavily annoys Tear.

Timber is a master of brawling and has high offence attacks. He barely has protection from magical damage so he relies heavily on buffs for that. He would usually amplify his attacks by focusing a build up of power on his fists.
He has expressed disinterest in finding his predestined weapon since he's doing fine with his bare hands.
- "Fuck off, bitch!" -Timber, to Tear. ALWAYS.
- "Hey, c'mon. I love my mom."
- "Hey babe, did it hurt when you were farted down from Heaven?" -Timber, trying
- "Yeah, I'm old. Old enough for you." -Timber, to Ann in response to her questioning his apparent pedophilia
- "Well, that's life. It sucks."
The demon dog the party was awarded with by the gatekeeper, Cross, for successfully escaping the Crossroads.
This little pup is playful and fiercely loyal. He has taken a liking toward Tear though she's not very fond of him.
- He has a tendency to jump on people's heads because fuck gravity.
- He tends to eat a lot and would consume most of the party's food. He is very fond of fish and is suspected to be a cat.
When he transforms into his demon form, he grows 100x his size and has to his disposal a number of magic attacks.
- Chips is based off my real dog Cookie, an Aspin.
- Tear, Ann, Swift, Skinny, and Timber are representations of some aspects of my life.
- The original dream actually features me as the main protagonist along with my friends in high school.
- My characters in VA rpg, an original story I made back in high school, would make cameo appearances.
This is the character that represented me in VA rpg.
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