The Horror Formula

Okay before we move on, let me establish that the characters of horror movies are (usually) complete idiots who have never seen a horror movie in their life. They lack common sense and are extremely clumsy for some reason ("slips & accidentally impales self" kind of clumsy).

Wanna be a horror filmmaker someday? Here are some really original horror movie plot lines you could try!

October Spooks

It's the spoopy month of October and what better way to anticipate Halloween by getting into the spooky mood with eerie stories!

When I was a kid, I had a cousin who always bullied me by scaring me with ghost stories. Growing up, I was terrified of these supernatural beings yet I was at the same time intrigued. I would read about them a lot, I even had this penchant in borrowing "True Philippine Ghost Stories" (the stories are not really all 'true' btw) book series from my Gradeschool friends. By the time I was in high school though, I dismissed them as nothing more but products of human imagination. People will panic under certain tense situations and things they see or experience may just be a product of fatigue and stress. Nowadays, Science can provide an answer to a lot of things.

When something unnatural happens, humans will quickly rationalise the event with something that 'works for them' so they won't freak out too much, and sometimes rationalising… won't work. Sometimes, Science just can't explain everything. The following stories were true to life encounters I had with the unseen.