Before anything else, here's a question:
How did Man came to be?
Some would say Monkeys.
Others would say God created us.
Now here's another question:
Which side is telling the truth? Both.
The world has always been divided between Religion and Science... Faith and Reason. Each stand for their own truths. But when both sides try to shove their ideologies into each other's mouths, that's where you see the ugly side of humanity.
With the advent of the legalization of same sex marriage in the United States of America, it is natural that you see people reacting. LGBT issues have been around for so long, it's finally great to see that one part of the globe is taking a step for equality... but not all people are as pleased as me.
Before anything else, let me share a little background about me:
I live in a predominantly Catholic country, the Philippines (also Filipinos are mostly conservative and traditional). I was raised as a Catholic, and I continue to practice my faith but my religious view is Deism. I'm mostly straight.
In my 19 years of being alive, the first 15 years I spent fervently being a Catholic, the next two years as an Agnostic then finally went back to practicing my Faith with a slight skepticism on the practices.
To simply put it, I am mostly driven by reason but with a dash of faith.
This somewhat random share is so that you can see that I understand what both sides are driving at regarding the issue.
And the issue?
Recently, same sex marriage has been legalized on all 50 states of America. The hashtag #LoveWins trended on Twitter, and the rainbow profile picture was a thing on Facebook. The LGBT community rejoices while religious sects rain on their parade.Let me repeat: same sex marriage has been legalized. Like the Bible, this has been misinterpreted badly by religious extremists.
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The Bible wasn't written by God, it was written by man. And it is constantly being interpreted by? Man. |
Legalization of something pertains to a law passed by a government, which is separate from the church. So what happens? Well, our LGBT brothers and sisters can finally get married and enjoy the benefits that heterosexual married couples enjoy. Legally married, yes-- but the law made no mention that it will be a church wedding and blessed by a priest.
Religion (mostly Christianity)
(I will try to approach this in the most religious-y as possible)"Man's law cannot make moral what God's law made immoral."
Christians shouldn't mistake the term "marriage" for a term exclusively used in Christianity. Let me reiterate: this is a civil marriage. I don't think homosexuality could ever look "right" in the eyes of a religious person BUT! Hate the sin not the sinner.
As for the Bible backing you up? It was not explicitly written that God said you should hate on gays. In fact, it contradicts the "love one another" commandment (John 13: 33-35). Reminder that the New Testament has more relevance than the Old Testament.
Personal opinion: The homo sex might be unethical and unnatural but as long as they don't do anything actually wrong to you (like stab you for being a judgemental prick) then you shouldn't condemn them because they love the same sex.
"This is a sign of the end times." (Tribulation)
The passing of that law will indeed have enormous effects on humanity's future, though I'm sure the apocalypse isn't a part of it. First, what is tribulation? It's a Christian term pertaining to a short period of time wherein there will be worldwide hardships and suffering (war, famine, disasters etc) that will wipe out 75% of the world population before the "Second Coming" arrives. Before the law was passed, here are things that have been happening: increasing global temperature, high rate of natural disaster occurrences (as well as increasing lethality), terrorist groups on the rise (ISIS is a recent one, & they are deadly), civil unrest in the middle east (which was going on way before), MERS-CoV outbreak and many more. I never heard a complain about how those incidents are a sign to the supposed apocalypse.
Personal opinion: Ironically, God's greatest creation is an enemy to itself.
"I heard you support the LGBT, I will no longer associate myself with you." #FriendshipsareRuined
This sounds like: "I don't like carrots, so I don't like you because you eat carrots." Cutting ties with someone because of their differing beliefs is... not very nice.
I heard you are a/an LGBT/supporter. Let me now force my beliefs into you." #InsertBiblePassage
This sounds like: "I don't like carrots, AND YOU SHOULDN'T TOO." While it's great to share opinions, you shouldn't force someone your beliefs or sound like you know better. There can never be a universal truth.
"Love is not the basis of marriage."
Yeah, you might add "I love my dog. So can I marry it?" then you'll talk about traditional marriage views. Love, wasn't the basis on how the law was passed. It was equality. And as for "marriage is only for man and woman" thing, tell that to cultures that practice Child Marriage.
Personal opinion: However, I believe love is a foundation of marriage.
Again, we are talking about the economic benefits that homosexual couples can enjoy just as well as a heterosexual couple. Condemning and judging people to hell is, as I remember, not explicitly mentioned in the Bible let alone is it the "right" thing to do. Judgement (whether you receive salvation or burn in hell), is something exclusive to God, yeah? And I don't think God would want you to deprive fellow human beings their basic rights.
Personal opinion: People acting "holier than thou" = I cannot even.
"Jesus loves us all!"Yes, indeed He does. But please don't do this.
I may be pro-LGBT, but I am also a Roman Catholic. And this is... offensive. Respect begets respect.
It's been days since the law's passing yet it continues to be a hot issue in social media. My Facebook news and Twitter feeds are littered with my friends and their personal thoughts about the topic, even engaging other people with... interesting debates. I don't directly engage in said debates, but reading how some people convey their opinions and stands on the issue made me wish this button existed:TIPS
Just... try not to be an ass. No degrading statements that have no basis.For example, no...
"LGBT is a work of the Devil." (The Bible does not explicitly say that homosexuals are the Devil's advocates)
or faith-righteous hubris statements like "<The Devil blinds you! Repent your sin which is being LGBT so that your souls receive salvation!> It is God who speaks through me!" (Don't use your Faith to justify misguided statements)
or subtle death threats "Wow, you're such a faithful follower. Wouldn't it be nice if God had you join Him this early?" Even if the other guy is an unbearably annoying religious bigot. Don't.
Also, if you want to correct someone, do it kindly. When one side snaps, the other follows suit-- and it just turns into a heated, hateful argument. So keep your emotions in check.
But you know what, regardless of religion, gender and ethnicity-- why don't we all just love each other unconditionally.
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